Tips to Help You Through Building Your Site
When you are creating a new website, the portal to you or your business, then you should make sure to pay extra attention to the way it performs and appeals to your audience. You should always ensure that your site will be appealing, have fast access and be able to change and be updated when you need to quickly.
Intro Pages or Splash Pages
Introduction pages or more commonly known as splash pages are the most common mistake made by new webmasters and designers alike. Splash pages are where you have one intro page that says something like “enter here” or “welcome click to enter.” You never want to have one of these pages because it can cut traffic to your site way down. All these are is a distraction and nuisance to your customer or visitor, and you do not want to discourage a potential client!
Be sure that the navigation methods that you decide on for your site are clear and precise, you never want to make your site a nuisance to navigate in or customers and visitors will only leave. Your methods of navigation should be drawn out early in your design, and you should be able quickly to update and change your menu if needed.
Banner Ads and Other Advertisements
The savviest people that design websites can very often make rookie mistakes that can jeopardize your site with bad advertising placement. This can do two things, drive traffic away, or you can place your ads in such a way that you will never get clicks on them or be able to monetize your sites correctly.
Labeling Your Pages
Be sure that when you are building your site that you correctly label all of your pages so that the user will know where they are at all times. You do not want a visitor to be traveling through your site and get lost in the depths of articles or products, a lot of times when this happens what is done? The user only either goes back to the home page of your site to start over or will get frustrated and leave the site immediately, which will cost you a sale or click through.
Video and Audio Effects
If you are planning on using any audio or video on your site make sure that the video does not start playing until the “play” button is pushed. You also will want to make sure that the audio is either very quiet or short and to have an off button if they are in a place where music is not acceptable. You do not want to discourage a visitor to your site with lots of loud music or videos that are loading that will slow down their browser.
I hope that these website tips will help you along with building your sites or maybe even revamping one that you already have. I compiled these website tips after some investigation and looking at sites while I am trying to build a concept for a clients site and trying to see what annoys me the most. This may not be the answer for everyone just my professional opinion on the matter.